The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Scotimus vs. The Bro - Part III

This part of the story takes place, after Scotimus kicks the bro to oblivion. Unbeknowest to Scotimus, he kicked the bro into a nearby tree. And what luck, it's the same tree, the bro packs his heat...Scotimus is walking by said tree when the bro assaults him "Take that bitch". Scotimus goes down like a brick and the bro celebrates "Yeah".
Is this the end of Scotimus? Has the bro won? What does he win???

Scotimus vs. the Bro - Part IV

Scotimus vs. the Bro - Part IV
Apparently, Scotimus survived the firearm assault from the bro. He then shows up and says "I'm wearing my bullet proof vest". A barrage of firing between the bro and Scotimus ensues and the bro even gets out his trusty shield. But the shield doesn't stop Scotimus. The bro is crying out..."You got me in my foot!!"
Will the carnage ever end? Where the hell is Grania? Do these two even remember what they were originally fighting about? What were they fighting about??