The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


A few months back, I made this post about my cat Sable. She is a hunter through and through. I am a totally supportive cat mom, however, it's one thing for me to find her kill, totally another when I actually witness it. I have to thank her profusely with a tinge of horror in my voice. This post I'm doing for my friend Polarhound who witnessed the first event and got a major laugh out of it. And to this day, the memory of me flapping my arms in horror is burned in his mind and it makes him smile. So glad my idiotic behavior amuses someone...

At some point tonight, I decided to do the boob's laundry. I went outside to look for a baby towel that needed washing. Sable had been out for 1/2 the day. I came outside to see her totally stalking something. I actually got kinda lost in watching her. It was really something to watch her hunt her prey...get all in stalking mode. Her tail was swishing like mad...she kept crouching lower...and lower and lower.

I didn't have my glasses on, so I couldn't see what she was stalking. I can't see a damn thing without my glasses lately, so I figured maybe she was planning to jump up the tree. Well I stood there as quiet as can be, afraid to scare her out of her zone. Then suddenly, she bolted and pounced and I hear "TWEET TWEET TWEET TWEET". I ran up to the sandbox and sure enough she's got a bird in her mouth. I say "Sable baby, good girl, drop the birdie. Good job" (hey I gotta be a supportive mom right?)

So she goes "Sure mom, I'll drop it." and she starts heading for the upstairs deck door. She wants to drop it in front of the door on the upper deck...after she cracks it's neck. The poor birdie was still alive AGAIN and I tried to get Sable to drop it. I was flapping my arms, screeching at the cat (yes Polarhound, I was flapping my arms...) :P.

Somehow Sable dropped the bird and I had to 'birdblock' her (get it instead of cockblock hahaha). I kept batting her away from the bird and she kept trying to go after it. Finally, I had to pick her up,bring her upstairs and then inside. All the while, praising her for her hunt.
The Poor bird was still alive when I went outside. It was hopping around...but it wouldnt' fly. I'm not sure if it was in shock or not.

Hey, it could have been worse...Mystic could have gotten it and he could have personally plucked every feather and disembowled it because that's what he likes to do.

Yeah me...I LOVE my cats.


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