The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Another thing...

Another issue I wanted to bring up about my George show is this: To anyone that goes to the Warner Theatre...

Don't wear shorts and a t-shirt to the theatre, it's offensive...

You are going to the theatre. It's kind of a formal experience. I'm not talking about ball gowns and tuxedos...I'm not even talking about wearing a tie. The hubby and I wore dress slacks and shirts. Hell you can wear a polo shirt and khakis. But please...have some respect for a fine establishment. It's not the comedy club down the's the Warner Theatre. And yes maybe it's George Carlin, but it's George Carlin at the Warner Theatre.

Oh you say "But BB, George is wearing a long sleeve T-shirt and jeans." Yeah well...George is making me laugh and has been doing what he's doing for 40 years. He's the one on stage working. He can wear whatever he fucking wants. You however, wear khakis and a polo shirt. Hell, a nice pair of jeans and a polo shirt. Not shorts and a T-shirt.

Sorry that bothers me...big time.



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