The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Oh Well

I'm having one of those days where I'm begging God for patience and I'm rebuking myself for being selfish. Not going to go too into depth here, but I find myself lately asking myself why I keep doing things for other people. How come I can't do for myself more? Then I get all on myself for being selfish and even contemplating being selfish. But then I ask myself "What's in it for me?" Then in the next breath I go "Oh just shut up and do it, at least you're guaranteed into heaven" (after a post bashing my family, I'm guaranteed to go to hell...but here's hoping...).

It's one of those stalemates, I know my life would be infinitely easier if I thought of just myself. But then again, who said life was easy? And what's a little inconvience on my end to help others out? Maybe in the long range look of things, I could just be looking for just a little bit more appreciation and maybe a pay it forward in my end. Is that so wrong?

-The BB


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