The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What's up with That?

Ok...some people said it had been a year since my last post and I was like "Oh that's just unacceptable". But I see it's just been six months. While it's still totally negligent, it's not THAT bad.

Ok, something HAD to have inspired me to post this blog. I have a few in the hopper too. It's just been bad with work and having to keep up with the boob. Not to mention this pregnancy thing. You'd think I blog about this whole pregnancy, but hey, I didn't blog about my pregnancy with the boob, so why should I with this one?

Anyhoo...the other day, my friend Margie was over. I realized while she was over that the Pope was about to land at Andrews Air Force base. So, I turned on the TV to watch Popepapalooza start. I saw our holiness coming out of the plane and walk towards the Bush family. I was like 'cool.'. Then...I saw them...bright red, Ronald McDonald like shoes. And it wasn't like he was wearing red. He was wearing all white, with his gold cross. But underneath were these obnoxious shoes.

Ok, so I can't expect an 81 year old man to have fashion sense...but come on. RED shoes? RED RONALD MCDONALD like shoes? Surely some sisters on the plane could have warned him about this...

Maybe a closeted bishop?

I know...I'm going to a little hand basket with ribbons in my little short bus.



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