The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Red Shed

Wow, I took a vacation dudes!! I'm back. Wanted to give you all some time to vote for DAys Awake (see previous post). Did you vote yet? If you didn't...DO IT...they need the votes.

Occasionally, my bro will say (either via email or phone) "I have a request from the rednecks on 17." I always know what this means. I'm not going to tell you cause I don't like incriminating myself and wouldn't want you to know I do anything illegal. The bro's request requires me to visit the Red Shed on 17/15/29. It's literally a little Red Shed. However, let me explain something about this place.

Next to the Red Shed is another red building (Clark Brothers). It's a Shooting range/gun store/fishing tackle store/whatever is required to buy something to kill a living being store. On a clear day, I can hear the shots from the shooting range (classy huh?). In front of Clark Bros. is a HUGE ASS stuffed bear that I'm sure was shot by one of the proprietors. Sometimes, on Christmas, they dress up the huge ass bear in a Santa Claus suit. I feel very sorry for the bear if he's Jewish. And of course during election season you can see every single republican candidate's sign in front of the place. Actually, during the last presidential election, they strung a huge 'W' on top of the head of the bear (feel sorry for the bear if he's a Democrat...actually I just feel sorry for him in general).

The Red Shed is next door to Clark Bros. It's a gift shop. There you can buy fireworks, beanie babies, Civil War memorabilia, cookbooks, and t-shirts that say "I shot my best friend at Clark Brothers." I find it strange that there is this cute, quaint gift shop next to this large shooting range, but you know...whatever works...

The first time my bro convinced me to go to Clarks Bros. for a 'cracker ran' we pulled up into the little parking lot. We saw the huge sign that said "FIREWORKS, Shooting range, Gun sales, Southern cooking classes". We naturally went into the large building thinking that's where the 'goods' were. However, when we walked inside, we saw a long line of guns...a very very long line of guns. Also inside were alot of gun owners. Apparently, in the large building the only thing they sell is the type of firestuff that kills...(we already talked about it). So then we mosied our scared selves out and walked over to the quaint little building that said "The Red Shed". In there they dedicated a whole aisle to fireworks (who'da thought).

I just have to say as I write this, I have always thought it weird how there's a shooting range...with a gift shop attached. My bro who has been reading this over my shoulder as I type it out would like me to point out that across the street there is a gas station that says "BBQ country." ?

Gas station/BBQ fast food joint? What other combo will we come up next? Church/video rental store (hehe, and not the good kind of video rental store...halleleujah!). And we thought the McDonald's/Gas station was creative...

-The BB


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