The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Would you like cheese with that Whine?

haha, I love that saying...first heard it from my mentor teacher. She used to say it all the time to my students.

Well this Saturday, the hubby, the boob, and I went to the Vintage Virginia Wine Festival. It was nice...but an extreme tease and slight let down for me. Extreme tease because I went as a designated driver. For $25, the hubby got in and got to have as many samplings of wine as he wanted. For $12, I got in and got a pat on the back for driving. Yeah me...I have to admit, I stole some zips here and there...but nothing to make me buzzed. And trust me, the chili pepper wine doesn't give you a gives you third degree burns on your mouth.

I have to admit, while the festival had activities for children, they didn't really live up to the hype in my eyes. Then again, I was told by a friend that there would be cheese, bread, other words...FREE FOOD. No free food ladies and gentlemen. More like free slivers where people could afford a booth. The food that was there was an example in fleecing to be sure. $5 Lemonades and $5 meat on a stick. I kept thinking how in Takoma Park you could get the stick with fried rice for less...ah Takoma Park...they know how to throw a festival.

In the end, we sat on the grass and listened to some country/bluegrass music. At least it was a day out. I did notice a fad at this even that really seemed...well...stupid. As you know, some people at these things take their wine tasting seriously. At the door everyone is given a glass (for their tasting...also keeps trash just keep refilling your glass). Well, do you know they make wine glass holders so people won't have to always hold their glass?


yeah, they ARE as cheesey as they sound. It's basically a larger version of a reading glasses holder for your wine glass. I'm sorry...if you are committed to this wine tasting, you have to carry your glass. And think about what other ways is this just WRONG? First off...what if you don't rinse off your glass right away? What's to say you aren't going to get a drip of wine on your nice white blouse? How sturdy are these things? I mean really they looked to me like a leather strap with a leather pouch. Where's the guarantee that the glass won't slip out? Please, this is just the pinnacle of laziness to me. Bring a kid that comes with a stroller like we did and keep your glasses in there if you don't want to carry them around.

On that note, the hubby wanted to bring the front carrier to the festival to carry the boob so she wouldn't get bored. But in the end, I'm glad he didn't. Imagine him trying to weedle his way in to get free wine with a baby attached to him. I can see the wine stains on the clothes already...

-The BB.


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