The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Friday, April 13, 2007

Polarhound is so proud of me.

My friend Polarhound is so stinking proud of me. Why? Because I got the balls the other day to call NHB radio and vent my guts out about Don Imus being punished repeatedly for his comments on the air about the Rutgers University women. I was telling Polarhound how I feel and he said to me "Call NHB radio and vent about it. They just went live on the air."

No Holds Barred Radio (NHB) is an internet based talk radio station. They have quite a few people that do shows, but the main show is No Holds Barred Radio. The guys are beyond shock jocks. Their awesome.

Of course when Polarhound said this I was like "No, I'm a wuss." Then he said "Do it." I said "No, I can't." Then he kept going "Do it, do it, do it, do it, it'll make you feel good". Finally, I succumbed to the pressure and called. (Mostly, I just wanted Polarhound to stop saying "do it, do it, do it.").

I picked up my phone and dialed. Someone picked up right away which surprised me cause I always get the busy signal whenever I call a radio station. I stuttered " I wanted to talk on the air." (DUR!!!) The guy said "you're on" (FUCK!!!! MEEE!!!!) And it went down like this:

Damon (radio guy): "Hey are you a nappy headed ho?"

Me: "No, but I'm a freakin' Puerto Rican"

*Laughing* this makes me feel redeemed.

Damon: What's on your mind?

Me: Yeah I wanted to vent about this whole Imus thing. You see, my dad and I listened to Imus when I was a kid and I love him. I really don't see what's the big deal with Imus calling these girls 'nappy headed ho's'. I mean, I could think of a million other worse things to call them. Also too, this is Don Imus we are talking about here. Of course he's gonna say something like that. It's who he is. But what really gets me is I know these girls are going to the club and their boys are calling them 'nappy headed ho's' and they are laughing.

Radio guys totally start agreeing with me. Then Damon continues

Damon: Listen Jessica, i gotta ask you. You are, like these girls, a woman of color. I have to ask you, what do you think of Imus calling these girls 'nappy headed ho's'? Were you offended.

Me: no, not at all.

We went on to talk about the issue. Agree with me or not. Whatever. But please refrain from the negative comments. I just honestly feel there is a double standard going on here and a much deeper race issue than we care to talk about. I was afraid to talk about this on here, but honestly the whole thing bothered me. I was crushed Imus was fired especially because he apologized repeatedly and he's being made 'an example of' but I doubt anything will follow after this.

But more about my radio debut...

The guys started chit chatting me a bit and they asked me where I was from, I told them and explained the area a bit. I then said I was originally from NJ. Damon said I should be glad to be out of NJ. He said anywhere farther from NJ was good. Then they asked me what my husband thought of me listening to this type of radio. Well they were more like "you're husband lets you listen to this." I then admitted he was not home. They laughed. I know more was said, it was pretty cool. Go me. Polarhound said he was extremely proud of me. His influence is getting me to pick up bad habits.


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