The Life of a Bealeton Babe

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Snagged at Church

Ok, ok, so I'll admit, I'm not the most devout Catholic in this world. I maybe go to church 2-3 times a year, tops. One of the only days I go happens to be Palm Sunday. (Which also coincidentally was April Fool's Day this year...but that's a whole other post). Lucky for me, I attended church this year. I promised my mom I was going for my Palm, and basically when you tell mom you're going, it means...YOU'RE GOING.

So there, I was in my church which is the only Catholic Church in town. Of course, being that it was the only Catholic church in town it was standing room only. Usher kept coming up to people telling them they could stand against the wall in the chapel. I, however, was standing in the doorway just watching the service through the glass doors. Personally, I felt the families should get first dibs on standing in the chapel over the single, lonely people like me. So I stood my ground in the entry way. Besides...was closest to the exit way...

My church was pretty accomodating when it came to handing out palms. They filled two 4' baskets with palms which allowed people to just grabbed their palms and go sit down (or stand in mine and 40 other people's cases). I also found this pretty nifty because technically, I could have grabbed my two palms (one for me & hubby plus one for the boob) and ran for the hills. However, I was a little more devoted then that and I stayed...but not much longer.

I completely forgot that at the Palm Sunday service, many churches go through the "Passion of the Christ" which for you pagans out there is the story of the Holy Supper through Jesus death and his later resurrection. So therefore, it's a long friggin' story. But I STILL didn't leave. No, no, I listened to the Passion. Of course during the whole time I was listening, I was debating whether I should just drop my 'yearly donation' into a nearby basket and run. Alas, no, still waited.

After the passion, people couldn't decide if they were supposed to sit, stand, or kneel, so we debated that for a few minutes. Then the priest talked about something that I blocked out. FINALLY, after the priest said his due, I saw the beautiful little donation baskets being passed around. I had already decided in my head, since I"m a heathen and can't do communion, I would drop off my donation and leave. I was even nice enough to wait for the basket to come by me. I dropped off the donation and walked right out the door. As I was leaving I was thinking to myself, "heck they were lucky I even came. Now the hubby and I can drive in one car to his mother's. He won't have to meet me here. I have plenty of time to go home." But then suddenly I heard.

"Where are you going?"

AHHH!! Snagged. Now for anyone that isn't Catholic and doesn't get this...there is a rule in the church. You cannot leave before the priest does. It's bad. Of course everyone does it, but still, it's bad. My mom used to yell at my dad for trying to leave right after communion but my dad always answered "I'd like to leave the church within the hour." And he was pretty comfortable with the fact he was going to hell so he didn't mind adding "left before the priest" on his list.

I truthfully dont' mind adding it to my list. However, I didn't like getting caught. It also didn't help that I got caught by a member of the church I really get along with. And she even said it to me like I was a bad little toddler. I stammered to her that I had to meet my husband and I really had to go. Said all the pleasentries and all then left. I was probably more irritated that somone was getting annoyed with me for breaking a rule that about 20 other people had broken before I even did. But whatever. I know I"m going to have great company in hell.

-The BB


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